A Little Talk About Anesthesia Recerts

Why, you ask, are we revisiting office anesthesia recertification?  Very simply to clarify the program and eliminate some confusion about it.  

Recently, I have been asked several questions by both doctors and office personnel about recert implementation.  It occurred to me that it was time to provide some background for this proactive program mandated by AAOMS.  

Several years ago AAOMS’ Board of Trustees, at the recommendation of the Committee on Anesthesia (CAN), decided that OMS offices should be recertified every five years. The goal is to make sure that each office has in place all of the necessary equipment and backup equipment parts, that all staff working in the medical area know where the equipment is and how to operate it, and that the doctors are appropriately credentialed.  It’s important to understand AAOMS’ rationale in developing the recertification program—specifically that as a highly skilled and educated medical group we needed to be our own watchdogs andtotally accountable. If we aren’t accountable, we invite regulation by others.

Wearing my marketing and public relations hats, I again want to emphasize that this is a very proactive program developed by AAOMS.  Generally proactive programs go a long way in preventing p.r. fires.

Each component society develops and implements its own recert program.  In Kentucky we have been extremely lucky to have volunteer members agree to perform the recertifications rather than paying for someone to do the actual recert.  That has saved us a ton of money, BUT it has required a tremendous investment of time.  FYI – our anesthesia chair is Dr. Lawrence A. Sivori, D.M.D., M.D. a.k.a. Tony.     

The KSOMS Board has worked hard to keep operating expenses at a minimum, depending for revenue not only on dues but also on vendor and patron fees. Being realistic, we have had to turn to members for help.  Starting in 2014 we have added a $75 fee to the dues statement for those doctors being recertified in that particular calendar year.  We have done this to cover the increasing general operating expenses of the KSOMS.  

The second change is a result of exactly what happened in 2013.  We were slammed with 48 recerts plus anesthesia visits for new members.  In actuality we did closer to 60 recerts when we began recerting all doctors in an office simultaneously.  Hopefully getting an office on the same five year rotation will result in a more seamless implementation.  Otherwise we could face an undesirable scenario where the KSOMS would visit large group practices every year in order to recert all of its doctors. That is unsustainable in the long run.  Our ultimate goal is to even out the five year schedule.  But I do admit the transition is a bit rough causing some confusion.  That’s precisely why I have written this blog and it would help a lot were you to share this with your office personnel. 

Finally to all of the docs who have given generously of your time by performing recerts, I feel certain there is a special place in heaven reserved for you.  


A Frank Talk About Finances


This blog gives me the opportunity to address some important issues that really are a bit too complex to discuss in our semi-annual meetings.  Specifically I want to talk about how the KSOMS funds itself.  Not the most exciting subject but surely an important one for our survival.   So let’s just entitle this KSOMS Finances 101!

Annual dues are 275.00 per year.

The question becomes where do we get the rest of the revenue to operate yearly.  The answer very simply is VENDORS.  I refer to this as “soft” money, that is money that can vary from year to year.  We charge $500 per meeting per vendor for which a vendor receives a skirted table AND access to attendees.  We do everything we can to be vendor friendly—e.g., introducing vendors at the start of the day giving them the opportunity to make a very brief presentation about their company and products;  having a drawing for members who have visited each vendor’s table – winner gets a brand new iPad.   

We are also introducing a Patrons’ Program.  This has taken a year to develop, but our goal is encourage interested parties—e.g., vendors, businesses with administrative services, etc.—to become a KSOMS Patron.  The goal is to raise revenue.  Before the new site we had little to offer patrons in the way of visibility.  This program costs each patron $1,000 a year.  As I write this we have three Patrons – KLS Martin, VanZandt, Emrich & Cary, Dental Card Services.  If you visit Member Section on the KSOMS website (www.kysocietyoms.org), you will see each patron’s banner.  AND if you tap on the banner, it will take you straight away to the patron’s website.  

The KSOMS Board also controls money flow by watching all expenses.  For example, the new website means we communicate electronically rather than by snail mail.  That’s not only a savings but it is also fast and environmentally friendly.  So administratively we are doing all we can.

What can you do you ask???  Very simply and directly use the products and services of our vendors and patrons.   


A New Era for the KSOMS!!!


Welcome one and all.   Thanks to the dedication and energy of Dr. Mike Murphy, we have a new, redesigned, highly-functional website.  HIGHLY FUNCTIONAL is the key.  We needed to be able to update the site without adding another layer of expense.  So while it was imperative that costs be kept to a minimum, it was equally imperative that we could make changes internally to keep the website updated.

For several months now, Mike and I have been working in tandem, both bringing our own particular expertise to the table, to rebuild our website. We have designed, redesigned, written, edited, reedited and are now in the launch mode. 

We are also introducing a Patrons’ Program.  This has taken a year to develop, but our goal is encourage interested parties—e.g., vendors, businesses with administrative services, etc.—to become a KSOMS Patron.  The goal is to raise revenue.  Before the new site we had little to offer patrons in the way of visibility.